Ordinary General Shareholder’s Meeting

Ordinary General Shareholder’s Meeting

WARNING: The Board of Directors of Tubos Reunidos, S.A has agreed to modify the proposed Directors Remuneration Policy for the years 2025, 2026  and 2027 that is submitted for approval by the General Shareholder’s Meeting and the rest of the documentation linked to this proposal, to maintain and provide continuity to the terms of the Policy currently in force, with an adaptation to the new configuration of the Board. The modified text is attached below.

Tubos Reunidos, S.A. will hold its Ordinary General Shareholder’s Meeting on 30 May 2024, at first call at 12:00 pm at  the auditorium of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum (Avenida Abandoibarra, 2).

In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the General Shareholder’s Meeting Regulations, the Board of Directors has approved the possibility of exercising the rights of proxy appointment and voting by telematic means, in order to facilitate the communication, active participation and exercise of the political rights of the Shareholders, prior to the holding of the General Shareholder’s Meeting.

Ordinary General Shareholder's Meeting Video

If you want to watch the Ordinary General Shareholder's Meeting Video click on the following link:

Right of Proxy Appointment

Any Shareholder entitled to attend may be represented at the General Meeting by another person, even if he/she is not a shareholder (we remind the possibility of delegating the vote to the Chairman of the Meeting), conferring said representation in writing and notifying the Company of the appointment of the proxy, by any of the means indicated in the notice of call (postal mail, e-mail, telematic means).

The proxy appointment by any means must be special for this General Meeting, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law for cases of family representation and the granting of general powers of attorney.

In cases of public proxy solicitation, the document containing the proxy shall include the instructions for the exercise of the right to vote and an indication of the direction in which the proxy shall vote in the event that precise instructions are not given.

The Proxy Appointment must be received by the Secretary of the Board before 12:00 pm on May 28, 2024.

To exercise your proxy appointment right throught telematic means, click on the following link Prior Registration.

Voting Rights

Voting rights may be exercised by the Shareholder:

  • Personally by attending the Meeting,
  • By formal appointment of a proxy who attends in person and votes on your behalf; or
  • Remotely, by postal or electronic mail or by telematic means, or any other means that duly guarantees the identity of the Shareholder exercising his voting right.

The Remote Vote must be registered with the Secretary of the Board before 12:00pm on May 28, 2024.

To exercise your voting right throught telematic means, click on the following link Prior Registration.

Electronic Shareholders' Forum

In accordance with the provisions of article 539.2 of the Capital Companies Act, Tubos Reunidos, S.A. has set up an Electronic Shareholder’s Forum on the Company's website (, on the occasion of the call to the General Shareholder’s Meeting, which can be accessed with due guarantees by both individual shareholders and any voluntary associations that may be formed in accordance with current legislation, in order to facilitate their communication prior to the holding of the General Shareholders' Meeting.