Tubos Mill R&D Projects

A summary of the main R&D initiatives implemented at the Amurrio Plant in 2022 is provided below, related to new product development and process improvements for its key strategic sectors.
In the OCTG (upstream) area, the HODIKROMO project, entitled "Formulation, development on an experimental scale and testing of new steels with higher effective chromium content for drill pipes (OCTG)" with file number ZL-2022/00925 has been funded in the 2022 Hazitek competitive programme run by the Basque government's department of economic development, sustainability and environment (SPRI), and by the ERDF. The project's main objective is the creation of new products that are resistant within a sweet environment (CO2) with an average Cr content.
In the midstream sector, work has also been done to expand the range of special products, continuing with the specification of new grades for their application in the hydrogen transportation and distribution sector (collaboration on the Elkartek ICME project); and, culminating in 2022, the expansion of the range of grades intended for cryogenic conditions (3% nickel alloy steels).
Finally, in relation to the downstream sector, significant progress was made in 2022 on the development of the ACHIEF project, which was approved by the European Commission (H2020 Programme) and aims to develop innovative materials for their application in energy intensive industries (EII), in order to reduce the impact on the generation of greenhouse gases, as well as improving the efficiency and useful life of the equipment used. Specifically, Tubos Reunidos Group is involved in improving the high temperature creep behaviour of the 12% Cr furnace grade, and the supply of alloy piping for the subsequent application of innovative coatings to improve erosion and corrosion resistance. 
Likewise, in 2022, the HOBEINOX project entitled "Design, development and validation of pipe products made from improved austenitic stainless steels for power generation technologies in high-temperature conditions and aggressive environments" with file number ZL-2022/00922 was launched. The purpose of this project is to improve the high temperature creep properties of Nb-stabilised steels.
Finally, the ZEPABERRI project (ZL-2022/00928) entitled "Technological training on steel mill processes for the recycling of stainless steel scrap" was launched in order to optimise the production of high-alloy steels at the Amurrio steel mill.
Both the HOBEINOX project and the ZEPABERRI project have also been funded within the framework of the SPRI's 2022 Hazitek competitive programme and by the ERDF.